Updated on 08:46, Friday, 06/04/2018 (GMT+7)
The Faculty of Fisheries has 3 departments: Aquaculture Farming, Aquaculture Nutrition and Feed, and Environmental and Fish Pathology. The missions of faculty are: (1) Promote training, develop and provide high quality human resources for aquaculture sector; (2) Organize, implement scientific research and and promote application into production in aquaculture, and (3) Provide training courses, scientific services, consulting, technology transfer in aquaculture sector.
Organizational Structure
Faculty Management Board
Teaching staff: 16 persons of which
- Assoc. Prof: 2 persons.
- PhD: 4 persons;
- MSc: 9 persons;
- BSc: 1 person
Supportive Staff: 13 persons
- MSc: 3 persons;
- BSc: 9 person
- Others: 1
Educational Programs
Undergraduate programs
- Aquaculture;
- Aquatic Pathology.
Master program
- Aquaculture (research-oriented course).
R & D Focus
- Research and develop high-tech farming models
- Research and develop new aquatic feeds
- Research and develop new methods for environmental and fish health management
- Research and develop fish vaccination
- Provide consultancy services and transfer scientific and technological achievements, provide consultancy services related to food safety related to aquatic origin
Aquaculture Club
- Testing new ideas in farming technics, new species breeding, evaluate new aquatic feeds, and environmental and disease management.
- As a connector between graduated students, staff, farmers, business organizations to promote scientific research and technology transfer in aquaculture.
Tel: +84-4-32127767
Fax: +84-4-32127767