Plant varieties/Technical advances
Date of recognition
Plant varieties
Rice variety DCG66
Phạm Văn Cường, Vũ Hồng Quảng, Nguyễn Hồng Hạnh, Tăng Thị Hạnh, Moto Ashikari, Hideshi Yasui, Atsushi Yoshimura
Decision to circulate the rice variety
Vân chi tea -2 (H-mua)
Dr.. Nguyễn Thị Bích Thuỳ; DR.. Ngô Xuân Nghiễn; MSc. Nguyễn Thị Luyện
Allowed to be circulated in 2022 (self-published)
Vine tea (Ampelopsis cantoniensis) VT-CD02
Assoc. Pro. Dr. Ninh Thi Phip Et all
Allowed to be circulated in 2022 (self-published)
Ming aralia (Noteworthy Characteristics) VT-ĐL2.1
Assoc. Pro. Dr. Ninh Thi Phip Et all
Allowed to be circulated in 2022 (self-published)
Gynostemma pentaphyllum VC-GCL02
Assoc. Pro. Dr. Ninh Thi Phip Et all
Allowed to be circulated in 2022 (self-published)
Angelica acutiloba VT-ĐQ02
Assoc. Pro. Dr. Ninh Thi Phip Et all
Allowed to be circulated in 2022 (self-published)
Gynochthodes officinalis VLK-BK21
Assoc. Pro. Dr. Ninh Thi Phip Et all
Allowed to be circulated in 2022 (self-published)
Hybridglutinous corn varieties VNUA141
Prof. Dr. Vũ Văn Liết, Dr.. Phạm Quang Tuân, MSc. Nguyễn Trung Đức, MSc. Nguyễn Thị Nguyệt Anh, PGS.DR.. Nguyễn Thế Hùng, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Việt Long, MSc. Vũ Thị Xuân Bình
Decision to circulate variety 158/QĐ-TT-CLT, dated 29/6/2022
Hybridglutinous corn varieties VNUA16
MSc. Nguyễn Văn Hà, Prof. Dr . Vũ Văn Liết, MSc. Vũ Thị Bích Hạnh, MSc. Trần Thị Thanh Hà, MSc. Dương Thị Loan, MSc. Hoàng Thị Thuỳ, MSc. Phan Đức Thịnh, KS. Nguyễn Văn Việt
Decision to circulate variety 103/QĐ-TT-CLT, dated 15/5/2022
Hybridglutinous corn varieties VNUA69
Prof. Dr. Vũ Văn Liết,MSc. Nguyễn Văn Hà, MSc. Vũ Thị Bích Hạnh, MSc. Trần Thị Thanh Hà, MSc. Dương Thị Loan, MSc. Hoàng Thị Thuỳ, MSc. Phan Đức Thịnh, KS. Nguyễn Văn Việt
Decision to circulate variety 104/QĐ-TT-CLT, dated 15/5/2022
Hybridglutinous corn varieties VNUA36
Prof. Dr. Vũ Văn Liết,MSc. Nguyễn Văn Hà, MSc. Vũ Thị Bích Hạnh, MSc. Trần Thị Thanh Hà, MSc. Dương Thị Loan, MSc. Hoàng Thị Thuỳ, KS. Nguyễn Văn Việt
Decision to circulate variety 102/QĐ-TT-CLT, dated 15/5/2022
Technological Advances
Mía chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) with genotypeswithfaster growthrates
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Phạm Kim Đăng, Dr.. Nguyễn Hoàng Thịnh, Dr.. Hoàng Anh Tuấn, MSc. Trần Bích Phương, MSc. Nguyễn Thị Châu Giang, Assoc.Prof. Dr . Bùi Hữu Đoàn
Decision No 236/QĐ-CN-GVN, dated 30/11/2021
Cow early pregnancy rapid test kit VNUA BQT
Assoc.Prof. Dr Phạm Kim Đăng, Cù Thị Thiên Thu, Trần Đại Lâm, Nguyễn Thị Năm, Bùi Quốc Anh, Lê Văn Phan, Nguyễn Bá Mùi, Nguyễn Thị Phương Giang, Nguyễn Hoàng Thịnh, Nguyễn Văn Tâm, Vũ Thị Thu Hằng, Trần Hiệp, Bùi Thị Bích, Nguyễn Thị Châu Giang
Decision No 278/QĐ-CN-GVN
Integrated management process according to GACP-WHO for the vine tea
Assoc. Pro. Dr. Ninh Thi Phip Et all
Decision No 192/QĐ-TT-CLT, dated 29/7/2022
Integrated management process according to GACP-WHO for the Gynostemma pentaphyllum
Assoc. Pro. Dr. Ninh Thi Phip Et all
Decision No 192/QĐ-TT-CLT, dated 29/7/2022
Integrated management process according to GACP-WHO for the Angelica acutiloba
Assoc. Pro. Dr. Ninh Thi Phip Et all
Decision No 192/QĐ-TT-CLT, dated 29/7/2022
Integrated management process according to GACP-WHO for the Gynochthodes officinalis
Assoc. Pro. Dr. Ninh Thi Phip Et all
Decision No 192/QĐ-TT-CLT, dated 29/7/2022
Integrated management process according to GACP-WHO for purple Gynochthodes officinalis
Assoc. Pro. Dr. Ninh Thi Phip Et all
Decision No 192/QĐ-TT-CLT, dated 29/7/2022