
Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Vu Van Tam


In his opening speech, Deputy Minister Vu Van Tam pointed out some shortcomings in the provisions of the Decision 68/2013/QD-TTg on subsidy for losses in agriculture. Thus, the Ministry is actively directing related units to work on amendments, additions of the Decision in order to minimize losses in agriculture, and accelerate the mechanization in agriculture


Prof. Dr. Tran Duc Vien totally agreed with the Deputy Minister and added that to enforce the implementation of agricultural mechanization policies in practice, there should be specific mechanisms for three key stakeholders namely researchers, enterprises, and farmers. "Without investment in scientific research, enterprises will of course import made in China machineries" said he.



Prof. Dr. Tran Duc Vien, President of VNUA


At the conference, machineries and equipment made by Kubota, Tamac, and several products of Faculty of Engineering, VNUA were also displayed.



The conference was successfully organized. It was expected that presentations and discussions of the conference would help proposing appropriate measures for promoting agricultural mechanization of the country.