International cooperation in recent years has made an important contribution to the promotion of training innovation, capacity building of scientific research, policy consulting, capacity for integration and working in a global environment of the lecturers and research staff of the Faculty of Economics and Rural Development, Vietnam National University of Agriculture. At the same time, international cooperation constantly helps to spread the views, policies, achievements of innovation and development of Vietnam and cultural values of the nation, thereby raising the status of Vietnam National University of Agriculture in general and the Faculty of Economics and Rural Development in particular in the international arena.
Recognizing that importance, over the years, the Faculty of Economics and Rural Development has made various efforts in cooperating with universities, research institutions, governmental and non-governmental organizations in training, scientific research and technology transfer.
Regarding research activities: The Faculty has collaborated with the University of Sydney (Australia), Humboldt University (Germany), Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand), World Bank (WB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Australian International Center for Agricultural Research, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) to carry out studies on: Assessing the overall impact of poverty reduction programs in the Northwest region; sustainable poverty reduction solutions; evaluation of policy on payment for forest environmental services; Value chain research; Development of traditional craft village tourism; Income improvement for small farming households in the Northwest highlands; Improving the quality of administrative procedures for businesses with the aim of improving provincial competitiveness; Brand building and management; and Export solutions for the key agricultural products.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Phuong Le (Head of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Policies – left) in a seminar with experts
Regarding training activities: The Faculty not only sends staff for long-term and short-term study, but also accepts many international students to study and research at the Faculty, typically the Faculty has cooperated with the University of Western Australia (Australia), Chuo University and Miyazaki University (Japan), University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden), University of Kentucky (USA), Zhejiang University (China), and Kasetsart University (Thailand) in developing short courses for students. Currently, the Faculty is offering undergraduate and postgraduate training courses for students from a number of countries such as Lao People's Democratic Republic, Cambodia, Angola, Japan, Netherlands, and Ivory Coast.

Students majoring in Advanced Agricultural Economics
Regarding scientific transfer: The peculiarity of the socio-economic sector is the transfer of science and technology mainly through short-term training courses. In recent years, the Faculty of Economics and Rural Development, especially the Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy, has conducted many short-term training courses for foreign experts such as: Training on Agricultural Extension Methods for the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Lao People's Democratic Republic, Training on agricultural cooperative development experience for the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture of Sri Lanka, and Training on administrative reform and investment environment for the officials of the Bangladesh Ministry of Social Welfare, etc.
Training on Agricultural cooperative development experiences for the staff of the Sri Lankan Ministry of Agriculture
The cooperation activities in training, scientific research and technology transfer of the Faculty are highly appreciated by the partners, thereby enhancing the prestige not only of the Faculty but also of the university on an international arena.
Some photos of the Faculty’s activities

Exchanging experiences in public administration management at the HCC Center in Quang Ninh province

Prof. Dr. Do Kim Chung is discussing with a foreign expert

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Mau Dung, Vice Dean (left) and Dr. Luu Van Duy (right) visits and gives encouragement gifts to a Japanese students (middle) of class KTNN64A