Master’s Degree Graduation Ceremony of K25
Updated on 16:43, Friday, 18/01/2019 (GMT+7)
On January 15th and 16th, 2019, Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) held the Graduation Ceremony for 295 graduates of K25 (the second time in 2018) of the Faculties of Biotechnology, Animal Science, Food Science and Technology, Accounting and Business Management, Agronomy, Veterinary Medicine, Fisheries, Economics and Rural Development, and Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Science.
On January 15th and 16th, 2019, Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) held the Graduation Ceremony for 295 graduates of K25 (the second time in 2018) of the Faculties of Biotechnology, Animal Science, Food Science and Technology, Accounting and Business Management, Agronomy, Veterinary Medicine, Fisheries, Economics and Rural Development, and Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Science.
Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan - VNUA’s President, Prof. Dr. Tran Duc Vien, - Chairman of VNUA’s Board of Trustees, representative of the Office of Training Management, leaders and representatives of faculties, lecturers, new graduates and their families, friends, and colleagues attended the ceremony.
Prof. Dr. Tran Duc Vien addresses at the ceremony
On behalf of the University, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan congratulated the new graduates. VNUA believes that they will exert all their strength and apply the cultivated knowledge to serve the development of the fields which they will be working in. VNUA will keep following and hopes to receive positive reviews from VNUA’s alumni. VNUA also welcomes them if they want to pursue their doctoral degree.
Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan congratulates new graduates
A representative for the graduates expressed their thanks to the Party Committee, the Presidency Board, the management board of the faculties and the lecturers for the dedicated guidance and support during their study and research at the university.
A new graduate on behalf his batch mates expressess their thanks to VNUA lecturers

President Lan and new graduates
Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Rural Development and a new graduate