With 60 years of development and as one of 16 key national universities, Vietnam National University of Agriculture is the leading agricultural university in Vietnam. Its motto is that learners are the center of the educational process and the first priority is the objective of enhancing training quality. The university is the primary place for training high quality human resources at an international level.
The university is the prestigious place for learners who want a good position in their future jobs because it offers students the chance to develop their careers and opportunities to further their studies in advanced education programs in countries around the world. In 2016, with the top admission quota (5,800) and diversified majors (28 majors at the undergraduate level and 6 majors at the associate level), the door to becoming a student at the leading agricultural education university is opened to candidates taking the entrance exam. Of special note, the university offers training programs taught in English, including advanced programs in Crop Science, Agribusiness Management, Biotechnology, and Agricultural Economics. These advanced programs work in cooperation with advanced universities all over the world, such as, the University of California, Davis which is ranked the 44th best university and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA which is ranked the 31st best university in the world.
With the aim of diversifying the training programs and offering training to meet the needs of society, students are the center of our focus through experiential learning, competency-based learning, a combination of teaching methods, and active learning. Vietnam National University of Agriculture has also developed a program called Profession Oriented Higher Education (POHE) that is designed train the next generation of employees in a high-tech world. With the help of Dutch educational experts within the framework of the Vietnam-Netherlands Higher Education Project, Vietnam National University of Agriculture has established and trained students from nine higher education programs using profession-application methods. The POHE program has created outstanding benefits for learners through early career orientation, increasing their chances of finding a job, having the opportunity to gain experience in working offices and businesses, and being fitted with adequate professional knowledge, skills, professional attitude, and necessary software skills.
Besides improving the quality of specialized training, the university has also enhanced soft skills training for students. In addition to skills in language and information technology, the university has strengthened the training and fostering of communication skills, identification of and problem solving skills, decision-making skills, teamwork skills, work independence, leadership skills, and time management skills, among others. This training is now a standard criterion in preparing students for successful careers after they graduate.
Another strength of the university is to promote the application of information technology in the teaching-learning process and for education management. Implementation of advanced software has made education management efficient and convenient for both students and staff. Students can self-manage and proactively plan their study semesters for themselves according to the credit system, and the software allows students to register for courses, and view their schedule, tuition costs, exam schedules, exam grades, and personal profile information. Lecturers can enter attendance, and test and exam scores online with personal accounts that have high security. All information related to the process of training is constantly updated and promptly available at the website daotao.vnua.edu.vn helping the students develop their study plan at any time.

Together with the efficient support of information technology, students also receive the support of specialized staff such as the assistants to the professional faculty, and the staff of functional units such as the Training Management Office, Political and Student Affairs, and Center for Student Support and Job Orientation. Logical, enthusiastic, and thoughtful support quickly solve problems and difficulties for students.
Being an indispensable element in the process of teaching and learning, lecturers are in direct contact with students, orient students in the learning process, and are the key aspect to increasing the quality of training. The hiring procedures for teaching staff are gradually being standardized to ensure both the quantity and quality of qualifications remains high. The university now has 14 faculties with over 1,350 staff. This includes more than 700 lecturers, 300 research staff, nearly 100 Prof /Assoc. Prof, 300 doctors and many leading scientists in the country, most of whom have doctoral and/or master's degrees from countries with advanced educational and scientific progress in addition to professional qualifications and proficient English language skills to meet the requirements of high-quality implementation of training programs.
Contributing to the goal of improving the quality of education is a comprehensive infrastructure system and modern teaching and learning equipment. The University has a comprehensive infrastructure system with offices, meeting rooms, lecture halls, laboratories, and training equipment that are regularly updated to meet the requirements of training and high-level research. The university has nine modern laboratories, including three ISO rooms and a large area of greenhouses, net houses, camps, workshops, and practice facilities. There is also a complete infrastructure for sports, and cultural, social and extracurricular activities.

Students at the university have many opportunities to receive both domestic and international scholarships. From 2014 to 2016, students received scholarships from 273 domestic businesses and enterprises, and 55 scholarships to study in Japan, Korea, US, China, Thailand, India, and South East Asian countries. To encourage students to achieve good results in their studies, the university has awarded academic scholarships, skill scholarships, and preferential treatment to students with high results in learning. One example is a full scholarship to attend a higher education program in Japan for the student who is selected as the best student in the entrance exam. Hundreds of attending courses scholarships and student exchange programs are offered to students and range from partial support to a full scholarship. In addition, hundreds of scholarships are available for foreign language training, information technology, training in soft skills, entrepreneurship opportunities, internships, business exchanges, successful businessmen, support of student scientific research, employment support, creating working conditions for the best students, and professional development.
For being established in 1956, for being one of the four first universities of the Vietnam Democratic Republic, and for being the leading university and the original university for training in the fields of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Vietnam National University of Agriculture has produced approximately 80,000 bachelors , 5,000 masters, and 500 doctors, accounting for 65% of the scientific, technical, and managerial staff of the agriculture and rural development sector of the country. These contributions affirm that “Vietnam National University of Agriculture is the prestigious place to offer high training and research quality at an international standard”
