Vietnamese Scholar Program – Opportunities and Application Process
Updated on 02:57, Saturday, 30/05/2015 (GMT+7)
On 25 May 2015, a Seminar on Vietnamese Scholar Program 2016 (VSP 2016) – Opportunities and Application Process was held at Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA). Ms. Do Thu Huong, Fulbright Program assistant, Vietnam and the U.S, the Department of Culture and Information - the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi attended the Seminar together with VNUA lecturers and researchers. Particularly, the Seminar received the attendance of Assoc. Prof. John Barnett from the University of Emporia State, the U.S, a scholar of the U.S Scholar Program 2015 (under Fulbright Program). Assoc. Prof. John Barnett is working as a lecturer at the Advanced Training Program in Agri- Business Management at the Faculty of Accounting and Business Management. He is also involving in a research on Vietnamese fishery policies at the Faculty of Economics and Rural Development.
Ms. Do Thu Huong presented a full description on how to apply the VSP 2019 especially on how to prepare a research proposal, a very important evaluation criterion on each applicant. Queries and questions related to the program were satisfactorily answered and clarified. Assoc. Prof. John Barnett shared his experiences to be a successful applicant. He further kindly gave advices on how to do a research in the U.S.

The Seminar expected to encourage VNUA lectures and researchers to make a good preparation for their application. Hopefully, more VNUA applicants for VSP would be successful.