


At the meeting, the Faculty’s representative leaders sent the warmest greetings to the distinguished guests and briefly introduced the Faculty, including its development planand cooperation strategies between the FLM and international institutions and organizations as well as local Departments of Natural Resources and Environment. They also shared their training programs in land management such as land use planning and management, land evaluation, and cadastral mapping for the state management purposes. They further highlighted their achievements in applications of scientific research and technological transfer in production activities.


On this occasion, the Ethiopian delegation made an overview introduction of their country and shed a light on their national land management. The two sides found that the two countries have some similarities in the mentioned area.


In addition, the FLM and the guests together discussed potential research cooperation, especially in land registration, property on land registration, cadastral mapping and land information systems. The meeting was highly appreciated as a remarked commence to pay the way for potential cooperation between the FLM, HUA and the MCHD.



Mr. Gebregizabiher ArayaBaheta presented souvenir to FLM Dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr Do Nguyen Hai.