Specific Procurement Notice for RFB Reference No.: VNUA.G03
15/10/2021 20:10
Equipment for research including Lot 1. Center for crop & medicine plant research & development; Lot 2. Lab of genetics & vaccine recombination, medicine; Lot 3. ISO Service Center for diagnostics, testing, inspection & analysisCall for international applications Master program in Food technology 2021
01/09/2021 19:40
Due to the impact of Covid-19 pandemic, Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) is pleased to announce that applications for Master Program in Food Technology taught in English within the VLIR–NETWORK Program approved by the Ministry of Education and Training at the Decision No.1596/QĐ-BGDĐT, dated on May 14, 2015 are extended.Recruitment: External expert on quality assessment of the Motive project: “Monitoring Trends In Vietnamese Employment"
10/07/2020 10:31
MOTIVE (Monitoring Trends In Vietnamese Employment) is a project funded by Erasmus + Fund of the European Union in the period of 2020-2022, under the coordination of Alma Laurea organization, University of Bologna, Italy. Ít witnessed the participation of 9 universities in Vietnam, including Thai Nguyen University.Our organization – Vietnam National University of Agriculture is a partner of MOTIVE project
10/07/2020 10:31
Our organization – Vietnam National University of Agriculture is a partner in the Project “Monitoring Trends in Vietnamese graduates employment” (MOTIVE), co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. For more information regarding the partnership, objectives, events, etc. please visit the Project website: www.motive-euproject.net