Promoting cooperation in training with universities of the Republic of Ireland
Updated on 13:43, Tuesday, 13/08/2019 (GMT+7)
In the morning of July 23th, at Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA), representatives of leaders and officials of the Training Management Office, International Cooperation Office, the Faculties of Animal Science, Food Science and Technology, and the Faculty of Accounting & Business Management had a meeting with Ms. Isobel Walton, ASEAN Manager of Education in Ireland, an educational agency of the Republic of Ireland on discuss joint training opportunities between VNUA and Irish universities.
In the morning of July 23th, at Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA), representatives of leaders and officials of the Training Management Office, International Cooperation Office, the Faculties of Animal Science, Food Science and Technology, and the Faculty of Accounting & Business Management had a meeting with Ms. Isobel Walton, ASEAN Manager of Education in Ireland, an educational agency of the Republic of Ireland on discuss joint training opportunities between VNUA and Irish universities.
Opening the meeting, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Bich Thuy - Director of the International Cooperation Office introduced about the training programs of VNUA in general and the joint training programs offered by VNUA. Regarding the partnership between VNUA and the Republic of Ireland established since 2016, the two sides have had some cooperation in both research and training. VNUA was selected by the Embassy of Ireland to be funded by the Vietnam Ireland Bilateral Education Exchange (VIBE) to open a new training program in Food Technology and Business in partnership with University College Cork (UCC). In 2018, VNUA continued to receive a grant of 140,000 Euro to implement VIBE project in 2 years (2019-2020) for a project on land management.
VNUA is now working with 'Education in Ireland' to evaluate the potential of building a joint training program with some Irish universities in fields such as Animal Science, Food Science and Technology, and Accounting and Business Management. At this meeting, leaders of relevant faculties and the Training Management Office, together with Ms. Isobel Walton, discussed the process of developing a joint training program and the procedure of credit conversion. Ms. Isobel Walton, as the connecting bridge for VNUA and potential Irish partner universities, will continue to work with the Irish side so that the two parties can issue regulations on credit conversion and complete the implementation of the program in the nearest time.
Leaders of the faculties and the representative of Education in Ireland organization discuss cooperation opportunities between VNUA and universities in the Republic of Ireland. |
Dr. Nguyen Viet Dang - Director of the Training Management Office explains the credit system of VNUA and Irish universities. |
The two sides agreed that, at first, VNUA and the Irish partners will promote short-term student exchange program, exchange of research candidates and faculty exchange programs during the construction of the joint training program. Hopefully, in the future, the cooperation between the two sides will be further strengthened to maximize the strength of the Irish universities and VNUA in research and training.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Bich Thuy presents VNUA’s token to Ms. Isobel Walton. |