Spreading the value of Lab-Movie (Labor Market Observatory in Vietnamese universities) project on new approaches to improve training quality to Vietnamese universities
Updated on 11:15, Thursday, 27/07/2023 (GMT+7)
The project "Labor market Observatory in Vietnamese universities" (LAB-MOVIE) is one of the projects sponsored by the European Commission in the period of 2019 - 2023, in which, European members included Steps organization (Italy); University of Salamanca (Spain); University of Lisbon (Portugal) and University of Padova (Italy) which acted as project coordinators.
The project "Labor market Observatory in Vietnamese universities" (LAB-MOVIE) is one of the projects sponsored by the European Commission in the period of 2019 - 2023, in which, European members included Steps organization (Italy); University of Salamanca (Spain); University of Lisbon (Portugal) and University of Padova (Italy) which acted as project coordinators. The Vietnamese side consisted of six members, including Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA), Hanoi University of Industry; Nguyen Tat Thanh University - Ho Chi Minh City; Thai Nguyen University; Hanoi Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, and Hanoi University which played the role of Project Coordinator on the Vietnamese side.
The project "Labor market Observatory in Vietnamese universities" (referred to as Lab-Movie) funded by the European Commission started from 2019, and would end by October 2023. The objective of the project was to provide a national and local overview of 3 career areas: Tourism – Hospitality; Information Technology and Agriculture – Food; Study and describe the structure and requirements (tasks, knowledge, and skills, etc.) of job positions at enterprises in the above three areas; detect "gaps" in training to serve as a basis for proposing and improving training programs, contributing to improving the quality of human resources and meeting the needs of the labor market. Vietnamese universities, with the guidance and cooperation of experts from European universities, conducted surveys of businesses operating in the three fields in Hanoi and surrounding areas, then used the data collected from businesses to develop websites providing information on job requirements in the above fields. Among the participating universities, VNUA was responsible for building a pilot website to provide information to learners about job vacancies in the field of Food Technology. With the information of the businesses describing the details and specific requirements for job positions for new graduates as well as those who had accumulated some work experience, the website was considered as a useful information channel for both training institutions and learners. Training institutions can base on the needs of enterprises to improve and upgrade their training programs to meet the requirements of employers. Learners also compared with the information posted on the website to formulate a plan to prepare, accumulate and improve their own capacity. After a process of implementation, by March 2023, the website was basically completed and sent to the students for survey feedback for further improvement.
Not only limited to the universities participating in the project, with the desire to spread practical and useful values to universities with the same training field, on July 10-11, 2023, the representatives of Hanoi University, Nguyen Tat Thanh University and VNUA were invited to attend the conference entitled “Employment and start-up support network for Vietnamese students – VEES NET” as well as the launching ceremony of the ECOViP project “Promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in ecotourism for sustainable development in Vietnam and the Philippines” which was held at Nha Trang University. During this seminar, the three universities representing the Lab-Movie project shared the results of the project implementation, especially the approach and development of a website providing job information for learners. On behalf of VNUA, Assoc. Dr. Nguyen Thi Bich Thuy presented a business survey report and developed a job market observatory in the field of agriculture and food. The initial results of the Lab-Movie project were highly appreciated and recognized by the participating universities with a positive attitude. Hopefully, in the not-too-distant future, a new European-standard approach to improving training quality would be applied in Vietnamese universities.
The link of the project: http://labmovie.vnua.edu.vn/
Some photos of the conference

Representatives of some VEES-NET member universities and Lab-Movie project members attend the conference

Assoc. Dr. Nguyen Thi Bich Thuy presents a report on business survey and development of a job market observatory in the field of agriculture - food

The organizers take a souvenir photo with conference participants