The Bachelor of Animal Science is accredited by the Southeast Asian University Network (AUN-QA)
Updated on 15:45, Wednesday, 13/04/2022 (GMT+7)
From 25 to 29 October, 2021, the Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) in collaboration with the Southeast Asian University Network (ASEAN University Network - AUN) carried out the 241st online visit in the AUN - QA program assessments of 4 VNUA’s undergraduate programs, including the Bachelor of Animal Science of the Faculty of Animal Science.
From 25 to 29 October, 2021, the Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) in collaboration with the Southeast Asian University Network (ASEAN University Network - AUN) carried out the 241st online visit in the AUN - QA program assessments of 4 VNUA’s undergraduate programs, including the Bachelor of Animal Science of the Faculty of Animal Science.
AUN-QA auditors investigated the evidence of the Self-Assessment Report, worked with the faculty and department leaders, report writing teams, and representatives of stakeholders including students, alumni, lecturers, technicians, experts and employers to obtain the basis to evaluate the quality of the training program according to the AUN-QA standards.
From July 2018, a self-assessment writing report group was established to plan the needed tasks and collect evidence to complete the report. The faculty's self-assessment report included 85 pages with 190 proofs. Besides that, together with the university and the Quality Assurance Center, the Faculty of Animal Science also held many meetings to provide training to the departments in writing course outlines and collecting evidence for the accreditation. At the same time, facilities were also paid great attention by the university and the Faculty in order to improve the quality of training as well as for the purpose of the accreditation. Thanks to the close attention and direction of the University Council, the Board of Directors, the Quality Assurance Center, especially the enthusiastic participation and responsibility of all the lecturers in the faculty, the accrediation was successful. The Bachelor of Animal Science was rated most highly by AUN-QA among the four accredited programs of the university.
With a strict and transparent quality assessment process, the AUN-QA comprehensive set of training quality assessment standards is recognized by the education systems of countries in Southeast Asia. Participating in the AUN-QA assessment is a practical activity to promote and improve the training quality of the Faculty of Animal Science and at the same time affirms the commitment of the Faculty of Animal Science – Vietnam National University of Agriculture to the society and employers about the training quality of the faculty. However, this is also the responsibility of the lecturers in continuing to innovate and improve the quality of teaching and training to meet the needs of the learners as well as the current recruitment market and the society.