At the Genetic Laboratory of the Department of Genetics - Breeding, the Faculty of Animal Science, Vietnam National University of Agriculture
Photo: Que Anh
The Genetic Laboratory of the Department of Genetics - Breeding, the Faculty of Animal Science, Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) is one of beneficiaries of the project. Within the project, many lecturers and researchers were supported to pursue their master/doctoral degree or attend short trainings in molecular genetics in Belgium.
Dr. Do Duc Luc, Deputy Head of the Department of Animal Husbandry, Head of the Laboratory, who obtained his master and doctoral degrees in Belgium, said that through the project, his department particularly his lab was supported with advanced equipment for research and many faculty members were sent to Belgium for short-term trainings or master and doctoral training. The research results have been transferred and applied to production.
The Genetic Laboratory currently has four members and they all studied in Belgium. Thanks to the support of the project, we have successfully implemented research on Pietrain conservation and development. This breed originates from Pietrain village in Belgium and has the highest lean percentage in the world, about 60-70%. In October 2011, first nuclear Pietrain stress resistant pig herds were exclusively imported by Vietnam National University of Agriculture and they were transferred to the High-Tech Pig Breeding Center to nurture and exploit. Through the research process, scientists of VNUA in cooperation with professors of the University of Liège (Belgium) have successfully bred stress-resistant Pietrain pigs in Vietnam, which yield very good quality. The Center has been supplying stress-resistant Pietrain boars to the whole domestic market.

Stress-resistant Piertrain pigs in Vietnam
Photo: Que Anh
In addition, with the support of Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), researchers at the faculty also studied selection for sustainable conservation of the Ho chicken breed, implemented research on biological characteristics, performance and quality of Dong Tao chicken.
Research results have been transferred to domestic production companies including Dabaco Nuclear Breeding Pig Co., Ltd. (Dabaco Co., Ltd, Bac Ninh), Dong Hiep Breeding Enterprise (Hai Phong). Stress-resistant Pietrain pigs were also transferred to Dong Hiep Breeding Enterprise for breeding and sale in Vietnam. The university has also coordinated with Dabaco Co., Ltd, in research and technology transfer in selection of pig breeds by molecular markers to improve reproductive performance, growth, and disease resistance.
Mr. Tran Xuan Manh, Director of Dabaco Co., Ltd said that the company is currently raising 3,500 sows and 250 boars. The company cooperated with the university right from the first days of the company establishment. The company is the place to apply the research and processes of the university in practice in order to improve reproductive performance, meat quality, breed growth rate and reduce feed consumption.
In addition, within project, 5 international articles were published in ISI and Scopus journals in recent five years by VNUA faculty.
The cooperation between Vietnam and Belgium in animal breeding at Vietnam National University of Agriculture has been enduring more than 2 decades and achieved remarkable results.
These are good signs for continuing this cooperation, contributing significantly to the development of high-quality animal husbandry production in Vietnam.
Translated from Quế Ánh - https://dantocmiennui.vn/