On October 7th, 2022, Vietnam National University of Agriculture together with the ASEAN University Network (AUN) closed the online/remote site 297th AUN-QA assessment at program level for 4 undergraduate training programs including: Accounting, Agricultural Economics, Veterinary Medicine, Horticulture and Landscape Design.

Delegates attend the online closing ceremony

Overview of the closing ceremony at Hall C, Administration Building
At the closing session, experts assessed the strong features, shortcomings and recommendations for improvement of the 4 training programs of Vietnam National University of Agriculture according to AUN standards. In general, all 4 programs are highly evaluated in terms of reasonable design, timely update and stay up to date on the latest industry trends; experienced, dynamic and enthusiastic lecturers with active, diverse, student-centered teaching methods; diverse student testing and assessment activities in align with learning outcomes.
The assessment team also highly appreciated the University’s efforts in organizing extracurricular activities and competitions for students; periodically and effectively collecting comments from relevant stakeholders; modern infrastructure systems with full facilities. Assessors also recommend that the faculties should regularly discuss with other domestic and international educational institutions to improve the quality, as well as regularly review and adjust the program to meet the needs of the students society and online learning.

Prof. Dr. Pham Van Cuong - Vice President of the university speaks at the closing ceremony
Speaking at the closing ceremony, Prof. Dr. Pham Van Cuong - Vice President of the university highly appreciated the enthusiastic, determined and professional working spirit of the external assessors of AUN. The assessment and recommendations for improvement are the base for the university to start planning suitable activities to develop the quality of training programs in order to meet societal needs.
Prof. Dr. Pham Van Cuong asserted that the assessment activity according to AUN-QA standards is an important milestone in the journey to affirm the training quality of Vietnam National University of Agriculture. This is an opportunity for the university to recognize and analyse strengths and weaknesses in teaching and learning methods, to improve quality in the future.

Prof. Dr. Pham Van Cuong – Vice President and Deans of 04 faculties, which have training programs assessed, present flowers of appreciation to the AUN-QA assessment team. Representative of the evaluation team, Dr. Le Thi Giao Chi - Local verifier receives flowers from the university

Delegates take photos
The evaluation of training programs according to AUN-QA standards is one of the solutions applied by Vietnam National University of Agriculture to improve and affirm the quality in the path of integration in Southeast Asia. Currently, the university has 06 AUN QA accredited training programs.
AUN-QA (ASEAN University Network - Quality Assurance) is a prestigious external assessment organization run by the network of Southeast Asian universities (ASEAN University Network) to comprehensively evaluate the training programs of higher education institutions across the region. AUN-QA's set of standards covers 11 standards including: expected learning outcomes; program description; program structure and content; teaching and learning methods; student assessment; quality of lecturers; the quality of support staffs; student quality and student support activities; infrastructures and equipments; and improved output quality.