On the afternoon of November 28, 2022, in collaboration with the Center for Education Accreditation, Hanoi National University, Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) held the closing session of the official survey to accredit the education quality of VNUA.
Attending the closing session were Dr. Ta Thi Thu Hien, Director of Education Accreditation Center, Hanoi National University. The external accreditation delegation included Prof. Dr. Nguyen Huu Duc, Former Vice President of Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Head of the delegation; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dinh Van Toan, Vice Director of Education Accreditation Center, Hanoi National University, Deputy Head of the delegation; Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, Secretary of the delegation; and other members and supervisors.
From VNUA, there were Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan, Secretary of the Party Committee, VNUA’s President; Prof. Dr. Tran Duc Vien, Chairman of Science and Training Council; Dr. Nguyen Xuan Cuong, Former Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, VNUA’s Senior Advisor; VNUA’s Vice Presidents; leaders of all functional units; leaders of faculties; members of the Self-Assessment Council; the Secretariat; and VNUA’s lecturers and students.

The official survey at VNUA started from November 25, 2022, including the following activities: (i) the survey of stakeholders' opinions; (ii) the inspection and survey of the facilities for training programs; (iii) the study of evidence documents and related documents; (iv) interviews and discussions with relevant target groups both inside and outside VNUA.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Huu Duc, Former Vice President of Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Head of the external assessment delegation, give VNUA recommendations to develop specific plans to improve its training quality in the near future.
At the closing session, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Huu Duc, Former Vice President of Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Head of the delegation, and Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, Secretary of the delegation, presented the preliminary report on the official survey results. The report generalized the process of performing the mission of the delegation, outlined the bases and principles in the evaluation process, highlighted the strengths, and made detailed recommendations for each standard, and proposed overall recommendations for VNUA to develop plans and solutions for its quality improvement in the coming time.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan, Secretary of the Party Committee, VNUA’s President, thanked the external assessment team for their serious and responsible work.
Speaking at the closing session, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan, Secretary of the Party Committee, VNUA’s President, thanked the external assessment team for working seriously and responsibly to give the most comprehensive and objective accreditation for VNUA. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan also emphasized the important role of external assessment, and, at the same time, emphasized the initiative and positivity of VNUA in the process of carrying out external survey and accrediation activities.
Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan affirmed that VNUA would seriously absorb the suggestions and recommendations of the expert delegation so that the university could continue to promote its strengths, overcome its limitations and have appropriate action plans and programs to further strongly improve the education quality of the university in the coming years.

Dr. Ta Thi Thu Hien, Director of the Center for Education Accreditation, Hanoi National University, thanked VNUA for their serious and active cooperation in providing information and evidence for the accreditation process of the delegation.
In the closing session, Dr. Ta Thi Thu Hien, Director of the Center for Education Accreditation, Hanoi National University, recognized and highly appreciated the scientific accreditation processes and methods, as well as the responsible, objective, fair and wise working spirit of the external accreditation team during the assessment of evidence files, preliminary surveys and official surveys to make judgments, assessments and recommendations for quality improvement of VNUA. At the same time, she also would like to thank VNUA for its serious and active cooperation in providing information and evidence to serve the accreditation process of the delegation.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Huu Duc and Dr. Ta Thi Thu Hien sign the Minutes of completing the official survey
Delegates take souvenir photos
At the end of the closing session, the Head of the external accreditation team, the Director of the Education Accreditation Center, Hanoi National University, and VNUA’s President signed the Minutes of completion of the official survey to accredit the education quality of the university.