At the VIETSTOCK AWARD 2022 award ceremony on the morning of October 12, 2022, the Faculty of Animal Sciences (Vietnam National University of Agriculture - VNUA) was named in the category "Organizations with many important contributions to the development of the livestock industry".
The Faculty received this award on the occasion of the 66th anniversary of the Faculty's establishment (October 12, 1956 - October 12, 2022).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Kim Dang – Dean of the Faculty of Animal Sciences (second from left), on behalf of the Faculty, received the award “Organization with many important contributions - the Faculty of Animal Science (Vietnam National University of Agriculture): Organization with many important contributions to the development of the livestock industry”
This was the award given by the 10th livestock industry Award Review Board – 2022 VIETSTOCK AWARDS, within the framework of the specialized livestock trade exhibition VIETSTOCK EXPO & FORUM 2022, held at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC), District 7, Ho Chi Minh city from October 12 to 14, 2022.
Faculty of Animal Sciences, VNUA, formerly known as Faculty of Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, was one of the first three faculties established right after the establishment of Nong Lam University in October 1956. With 66 years of establishment and development, the Faculty of Animal Sciences has been recognized by the society and the international community as one of the leading units in training, scientific research and technology transfer in the field of animal husbandry in the country and region, actively contributing to the country's socio-economic development and international integration.
Currently, the faculty has 57 staff members, including 35 lecturers and 19 researchers and assistants. Among the 35 lecturers, there are 02 professors, 10 associate professors, 14 doctors, 5 PhD students and 2 masters. Over 85% of faculty members were trained in advanced countries in the world such as France, Belgium, Australia, Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Denmark, and Japan, etc.
As of October 2021, the faculty trained 63 undergraduate courses, 29 graduate master's and doctoral courses, providing nearly 6000 engineers, over 500 masters, and 120 PhDs in animal sciences and veterinary medicine for the industry. Many alumni of the faculty had obtained notable achievements in their career and played important roles in state management agencies, research institutes, and universities from central to local levels across all regions of Vietnam.

For the first time, the Faculty of Animal Sciences was honored at the VIETSTOCK Award
The faculty's undergraduate training program has been assessed by the independent accreditation organization AUN-QA and certified to meet the quality standards of the Southeast Asian University Network.
Currently, the faculty has cooperative relationships with universities, research institutes and international organizations in more than 20 different countries such as Belgium, Germany, France, Netherlands, Australia, USA, UK, Denmark, Norway, Korea, China and other countries in the region.
Since its establishment, the Faculty has successfully carried out over 500 research topics and projects at all levels from various funding sources such as the State, Ministries, localities, enterprises and international organizations. From 2016 up to now, the Faculty staff has carried out over 100 topics and projects, published 485 articles, of which 354 articles were published in domestic journals and 175 articles were published in international journals.
Prizes for typical scientific products include a Ho Chi Minh Prize for economic hybrid pigs, 10 recognized technical advances and many processes and products that have been applied effectively in livestock production.
Along with contributions in educational training, scientific research and transfer, the faculty and many individuals in the faculty have been making important contributions in editing, developing, commenting, and participating in the evaluation committee in formulating law on animal husbandry, livestock development strategy, livestock development project, policies and many management documents of Vietnam's livestock industry.
The award was chaired by the Department of Livestock Production (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), to honor businesses and organizations that had made many positive and meaningful contributions to the overall development of Vietnam's livestock industry. The Department of Livestock Production (MARD) issued Decision No. 280/QD-CN-KHTH dated August 31, 2022 on approving the list and criteria for the 2022 VIETSTOCK Award. Thereby, the list of awards included 21 prizes and was divided into 5 main groups of prizes: Prizes for livestock/aquatic breeding; Prizes for animal/aquaculture feed production, Prizes for farm, livestock/aquaculture cooperative; Prizes for linkages by value chain (production, slaughter/processing/preservation, consumption), export of livestock products; and Prizes for important contributions to the livestock industry.