
 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vu Van Liet opened the Forum




Opening the Forum, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vu Van Liet, VNUA’s Vice President, strongly emphasized the significance of POHE program for its noteworthy contribution to lecturers’ cognitive change and capacity in the development of training programs and lectures towards providing a comprehensive knowledge to learners that can satisfy professional requirements of the labor market.


At the Forum, presentations on the status quo of the cooperation between VNUA and enterprises with particular focus on the delivery of apprentice courses in horticulture were presented. Also the Forum served as a platform for intensive discussions on advantages, disadvantages, and lessons learnt, and opened potential opportunities in promoting interaction between VNUA and enterprises. The Forum did contribute to POHE concept replication in the higher education system in Vietnam.


VNUA has taken part in the second phase of POHE project (POHE2) coordinated by the Ministry of Education and Training since 2012 together with other seven universities nationwide. Under the framework of the project, several disciplines including horticulture have been proposed for the development of profession oriented training programs. The Forum once again accelerated the implementation of the POHE2 project at VNUA.





Presentation on the status quo of the cooperation between VNUA and enterprises in Vegetables - Flowers - Fruit Crops/Horticulture by Dr. Tran Thi Minh Hang, POHE2 project coordinator at VNUA