To implement the development strategy on Science, Technology and International Cooperation of the Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA), for the 2021-2026 period with a vision to 2030, in the implementation of research results and international cooperation associated with the practice of natural resources and environment, land management, natural resources management, land use, and environmental science, etc. in the climate change condition, with the aim of contributing to the development of the country’s Natural Resources and Environment sector and agriculture and rural development sector, during the past period, the Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, VNUA, has continuously promoted the linkage in scientific research activities with provincial Departments of Science and Technology, Departments of Natural Resources and Environment, research institutes, localities as well as universities in a number of countries in the region to cooperate, promote science and technology transfer activities and promote international publication of the Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment.
During the period from 10 to 30 October, 2022, the delegation of the Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, VNUA, including Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trong Phuong, Dean of Faculty; Dr. Ngo Thanh Son, Head of Department of Resource Management, MSc. Vu Thanh Bien, lecturer from Department of Land Management, visited the University of Munich, Germany, to work and participate in an international conference with the theme "Urbanization and the urban morphological development model focusing on large urban areas”. The delegation had professional exchanges within the chain of activities of the LIRLAP project (led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trong Phuong as the coordinator at VNUA, Vietnam) with the Department of Geography, University of Munich, Germany. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trong Phuong introduced about the Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment (FONRE), VNUA, introduced about VNUA and delivered a presentation at the Conference entitled "Linking remote sensing data and population during urbanization: the case study of urbanization in Hanoi”.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trong Phuong delivers a presentation at the International Conference in Munich
After the presentation of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trong Phuong and the presentation of Dr. Ngo Thanh Son and MSc Vu Thanh Bien, the scientists from LMU Munich, University of Stuttgart, and Technical University of Munich (TUM) highly appreciated and shared their opinions about the urbanization process and the changes in land use in Germany as well as in Vietnam.

Dr. Ngo Thanh Son delivers a presentation at the International Conference in Munich
To help the German partner better understand the Faculty and VNUA, Assoc. Tran Trong Phuong introduced the achievements and activities of the Faculty, the main research directions; training disciplines (undergraduate and postgraduate programs); results in training, scientific research, international cooperation as well as the transfer of science and technology into production practice in association with the orientation of training and research in the field of Natural Resources and Environment in general and Land - natural resources management, urban management, environmental science, soil science, and water resources in particular. The leaders of the Faculty of Geography, LMU-Munich University, gave positive evaluations on the achievements that the Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, VNUA, has achieved in the past 47 years as well as the brand name of the Vietnam National University of Agriculture in 67 years of establishment and development.
While working at the University of Munich and the Department of Geography, the Faculty's delegation was welcomed by Prof. Matthias Garschagen, Chair in Humnan Geography, Dr. Andrea in charge of LIRLAP project expertise, and colleagues, lecturers, and researchers from the University of Munich. The Faculty of Geography, University of Munich exchanged and shared ideas with the delegation for the purpose of exchanging each other's methods, current research fields and advances in urbanization model and made field visits to a number of other partner institutes in Germany.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trong Phuong, Dean of Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, VNUA, and Prof. Matthias Garschagen sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU)
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the two faculties would promote cooperation in scientific research, joint participation in international conferences, projects proposal to be implemented in Vietnam and Germany, as well as academic exchange for the 2022-2025 period and would be extended by agreement in the subsequent years.
Some photos of the delegation at LMU Munich University, Germany

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trong Phuong delivers a presentation at the International Conference in Munich

Scientists discuss about the urbanization in Vietnam and Germany

Scientists discuss about the urbanization in Vietnam and Germany

The delegation takes a photo