From October 3 to 7, 2022, Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) together with the ASEAN University Network (AUN) is going to carry out the 297th AUN-QA online/remote site visit assessment at program level for 4 undergraduate programs including Accounting, Agricultural Economics, Veterinary Medicine, Horticulture and Landscape Design.
Attending the Opening Ceremony on the morning of October 3, 2022 were Prof. Dr. Wyona C.Patalinghug – lead assessor, assessors and Dr. Le Thi Giao Chi - local verifier.
On the side of VNUA, there were Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan, VNUA president; Prof. Dr. Tran Duc Vien - Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees; Dr. Nguyen Xuan Cuong - Former Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Senior Advisor of the university, Vice Presidents and all leaders of functional units, deans of related faculties, staff, students and guests.

The Opening Ceremony has been held virtually

Overview of the Ceremony at the Conference Hall C
Speaking at the Opening Ceremony, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan VNUA president stated that in order to constantly improve the quality of human resource training to meet the needs of society, the University has been implementing self-assessment and improvements on training programs according to AUN-QA standards. The AUN-QA standards are prestigious set of standards with strict quality standards, clear and specific criteria, focusing on comprehensive assessment of training programs on various aspects such as learning outcomes, structure and contents, teaching staff and supporting staff, facilities, quality assurance, linkages between schools, students, and businesses, and employment of graduates.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan, president of the University speaks at the Opening Ceremony
Highly appreciating the efforts of the AUN-QA Secretariat and the team of assessors, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan emphasized that the University always considers these external assessments as opportunities for all offices and working affiliations to recognize and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses in developing, designing and implementing training programs, teaching and learning activities, supporting learners, thereby gradually improve the training quality.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan presents a flower basket to welcome the AUN-QA assessment team. Representative of the assessment team, Dr. Le Thi Giao Chi - Local verifier receives flowers from the University
Also at the Ceremony, Prof. Dr. Wyona C.Patalinghug – Lead assessor highly appreciated the enormous efforts of Vietnam National University of Agriculture in ensuring the quality of education according to regional standards and the careful preparation for the assessment. The assessment team hopes that the evaluation and suggestions of the delegation will help the University improving the quality of training to continue affirming the prestige of the University, contributing to the overall development of education in the region and approaching to the international standards.

Group photos
Aiming at improving training quality, the delegation will conduct a comprehensive assessment on 04 training programs through investigating self-assessment reports, studying records and evidence, interviewing relevant stakeholders and live streaming facilities.
AUN-QA is a network dedicated to ensuring the quality of higher education in Southeast Asian universities, established with the mission of promoting quality assurance activities at higher education institutions, improving the quality of higher education and cooperation with domestic and foreign institutions. In order to continuously improve the quality of training high-quality human resources to meet social needs, Vietnam National University of Agriculture has been conducting self-assessment and improving training programs according to the AUN-QA standards. Currently, the University has 06 AUN QA accredited training programs.