Opportunities to promote development cooperation with the World Bank
Updated on 06:05, Wednesday, 07/05/2014 (GMT+7)
On 16 April, 2014, Prof. Dr. Tran Duc Vien, Rector of Hanoi University of Agriculture (HUA), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vu Van Liet, Vice Rector, together with representative leaders from the Faculties of Biotechnology, Accounting and Business Management, Animal Science and Aquaculture, Veterinary Medicine, the Offices of Training Management, Science and Technology, and International Cooperation warmly welcome and worked with a delegation from the World Bank (WB) led by Mr. Suhas D. Parande Kar, Senior Education Economist together with Ms. Lan Anh Vu - Human Development Specialist, Mr. Nguyen Trong Thu, and Ms. Nghiem Thi Minh Hoa, two WB senior consultants, and representatives of the Management Unit of the project “Fostering Innovation through Research Science and Technology - FIRST", the Ministry of Science and Technology.
At the meeting, the HUA leaders sent the warmest greetings to the distinguished guests and introduced the University, including development plan, cooperation strategies, and the achievements of the cooperation between HUA and institutions, universities, and international organizations worldwide, especially in training, scientific research and technology transfer. They also kindly shared and updated the latest information about the official approval by the Prime Minister on the establishment of Vietnam National University of Agriculture under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development instead of the Ministry of Training and Education based on HUA’s reorganization. Potential advantages and difficulties associated to this transformation were also openly shared.
The WB delegation briefly introduced some ideas of a policy research project on Vietnam's regulations regarding the financing of higher education and basic information on the FIRST project funded by the World Bank with a total ODA grant of $US100 million and coordinated by the Ministry of Science and Technology. The FIRST project was officially approved in October, 2013 and is expected to last until June 2019 with the aims of supporting science, technology and innovation (STI) in Vietnam by designing and piloting of STI policies, enhancing the effectiveness of project-aided research and development (R&D) institutions, and encouraging the development of innovative technology enterprises (website: http://www.first-most.vn). The two sides together discussed prospected funding opportunities within the framework of the project as well as potentials for HUA acting as a team leader of consortiums especially in the fields of agriculture, animal science, veterinary medicine, and crop biotechnology.
This meeting laid a milestone for enhancement of partnership between the WB and HUA in general and development of cooperation projects in the framework of the FIRST project in particular.
