On February 13, 2023, the University of Bonn, Germany and its partners in Vietnam (Vietnam National University of Agriculture - VNUA, Hanoi University of Public Health - HUPH, Fruits and Vegetables Research Institute - FAVRI, Social Policy and Ecology Research Institute - SPERI, Center for Organic Agricultural Development - CODAS) organized a kick off workshop for the project "Nutritional Intervention Forecasting and Monitoring" (NIFAM) in Hanoi. The project Nutrition Intervention Forecasting and Monitoring (NIFAM), initiated by the University of Bonn, is implemented in Vietnam and Myanmar during the period from 2023-2025. In Vietnam, the Department of Quantitative Analysis (belonging to a research group on Economic Linkage and Market Development), Faculty of Economics and Rural Development, Vietnam National university of Agriculture is one of the main partners. The project's research team includes staff from the Faculty of Economics and Rural Development, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi University of Public Health, FAVRI, SPERI and CODAS in Vietnam and the Sustainable Development Knowledge Network in Myanmar.
The objectives of the project are to identify and implement cost-effective interventions to sustainably improve the diet of urban and rural residents in Myanmar and Vietnam to reduce malnutrition in its different forms. Policy makers are supported in their decision on which intervention is the best in the local context through a decision modeling package based on a transdisciplinary research approach. Possible interventions within NIFAM for improvements of food safety by providing information to different stakeholders e.g. via TV screened short movies, nutrition labeling of produce, restrictions on marketing targeted to children as consumers, adaptation of an e-learning platform to country contexts and languages, and other intervention identified during initial research phase. The project is designed to different work packages including project coordination, understanding and modeling the food environments, monitoring interventions and refining the model, capacity development in urban Hanoi, capacity development in rural Kon Tum, and capacity development in Myanmar. Expected outcomes of the project are an increased knowledge on healthy nutrition, improved food habits, and increased knowledge on modeling.
The project kick-off workshop is conducted from February 13 to 17, 2023 in Hanoi. Main objectives of the workshop are to introduce about the project, and NIFAM project participants in Vietnam, and develop specific plans to implement NIFAM in Vietnam. Special guests of the projects are Prof. Dr. Hoang Van Minh, the Rector of Hanoi University of Public Health, and Dr. Duong Chi Nam, the Deputy Director of the Department of Environment, Ministry of Health. During the first day of the workshop, the partners shared experiences from the previous research. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Van Hung, on behalf of the research team ò VNUA, presented experience of the research group in implementing different projects related to food and nutrition, and suggestions for the NIFAM project implementation. From the second day, all participants will discuss on the project implementation methods, outputs, interventions, project planning, site visits, and exchange and learning among members.

Participants in the workshop

Prof. Dr. Hoang Van Minh, the Rector of Hanoi University of Public Health gives opening remarks.

Dr. Duong Chi Nam, the Deputy Director, Division of Environment, Ministry of Health delivers a speech at the workshop.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Van Hung, shares experiences of the research group on implementing different project related to food and nutrition.
Nguyen Thi Duong Nga and Pham Van Hung