Smart livestock farming refers to a livestock industry that can incorporate information and communication technology (ICT) into production, processing, distribution and consumption of products, improving production efficiency and environmental management. In recent years, Korea has considered ICT livestock farming as a development strategy and has applied it to most of their farms. Learning from Korea's experience is an important part to Vietnam's rapid and sustainable development.

On January 20, 2025, at Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA), the Faculty of Animal Science, VNUA and the departments of Kyungpook National University, KNU, including Research Institute for Innovative Animal Science (RIIAS) and "Professional Youth Development Program for Mountainous Grassland and 6th Generation Ecological Animal Science” (reffered as BK21FOUR program) officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in student exchange, academic exchange, and organization of joint research.

Faculty of Animal Science, VNUA and BK21FOUR Program, KNU sign the MOU

Faculty of Animal Science, VNUA and Research Institute for Innovative Animal Science (RIIAS), KNU sign the MOU

At the ceremony, Dr. Bui Huy Doanh, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Animal Science, VNUA; Prof. Eun Joong Kim, Director of the Research Institute for Innovative Animal Science (RIIAS), KNU; and Prof. Myung Ok Kim, Director of the BK21FOUR Program, KNU expressed their hope that today’s MOU signing ceremony was an important stepping stone in promoting international cooperation in the field of animal science and human resource development. Immediately after the signing ceremony, students and postgraduates from VNUA and Kyungpook National University exchanged and introduced information about their current research. The event helped students understand each other better and was an opportunity for students of the Faculty of Animal Science, VNUA, to attain new research directions in the future.

Delegates attending the signing ceremony

PhD students introduce their research at KNU