The 52nd SEAMEO BIOTROP Governing Board Meeting in Hanoi
Updated on 09:37, Monday, 29/09/2014 (GMT+7)
Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) and the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Tropical Biology (SEAMEO BIOTROP) based in Bogor Indonesia co-hosted the 52nd SEAMEO BIOTROP Governing Board Meeting at Sofitel Plaza Hotel from 23 to 25 September 2014. Attending the Opening Ceremony were 8 Governing Board Members (GBM) from 8 countries in the Southeast Asian, SEAMEO Secretariat Director, HE Ambassadors and Embassy representatives of Southeast Asian countries to Vietnam, representative leader of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam, VNUA’s Presidency Board and local media.

Remarks by The SEAMEO BIOTROP Director of and the SEAMEO BIOTROP Governming Board Chair
The Governing Board Meeting is an annual event of SEAMEO BIOTROP that serves as forum for discussion on priority issues of the center in carrying out the mandate of Governing Board, review of the center activities, and presentation of its accomplishments. In addition to the aforementioned focus, the 52nd SEAMEO BIOTROP Governing Board Meeting in Hanoi also intensively discussed and reached approval on the proposed three year financial budget from 2015 to 2018 and related issues. Furthermore, the Meeting was robustly expected to promote cooperation and drive innovation and progress in tropical biology’s education and research among its member countries and create a strong link to other regional networks and organizations.
In conjunction with the GB Meeting, from 25 to 30 Sept. 2014, a regional training course entitled “Prevention and Control of Mycotoxin Contamination in Food and Feedstuff“ was organized at VNUA by the SEAMEO BIOTROP in collaboration with VNUA with the attendance of the thirty Southeast Asian lecturers and researchers. The training course provided participants with profound knowledge on method development and quality assurance of mycotoxin analysis, risk assessment and worldwide regulations for mycotoxin, and mycotoxin problems in each participant’s country, etc.
Openning Remarks by the Acting Director General of the International Cooperation Department – MOET :
Assoc. Prof. Dr Pham Quang Hung

The SEAMEO BIOTROP Director, Prof. Bambang Purwantara presented the Token of Appriciation
to the MOET representative

Presentation of Token of Appreciation between VNUA President and the SEAMEO BIOTROP Director