The project "Establishing a shared electronic library (e-library) for higher education institutions in Vietnam" was approved by the Prime Minister on 14 March 2017. The project is funded by the World Bank, and the National Economics University (NEU) is assigned to become the focal point implementing the project to improve the quality of training and scientific research.
According to the representative of NEU, the project is being actively implemented and on schedule. Over the past time, the project team has surveyed higher education institutions to grasp the current state of technological infrastructure.
To put the shared e-library into operation soon, the project is expected to implement in parts. The investment period shall end by 2022 and all investment categories will commence its operation.
The project is implemented with the aim of improving the quality of training and scientific research, promoting cooperation and sharing in research through providing the shared education database, and aiming at building a focal library for higher education institutions in Vietnam.
In addition, the project also connects scientists to cooperate and share research results; attracting learners and lecturers to look up and use materials at the central library, thereby spreading its impacts to the beneficiaries. The project implementation plays an important part in the roadmap to promote digital transformation to improve the training quality of universities.

Approximately 600,000 students and 27,000 faculty members from higher education institutions will have access to extensive research and research resources.
Results achieved:
- When the project is completed, approximately 600,000 students and 27,000 lecturers from different higher education institutions will have access to extensive learning and research resources, through access to the shared e-library located at NEU.
To achieve the above goal, the key schools in the network of universities, institutes having Economics-Business administration major in Vietnam (VNEUs) shall be provided with equipment, which forms "satellite" libraries of the shared libraries; The facilities of the shared libraries are enhanced with interior equipment, security system for the library and information technology systems for readers.
At the same time, the core staff of member schools in the VNEUs network will be given training on the shared library.
The time to implement this project is from 2017-2022 with a total investment budget of 11,500,000 USD.
M.A Pham Thi Thanh Mai - Director of Luong Dinh Cua Library and Information Center said: "To recognize the goal of enhancing cooperation, making use of information resources to support training and scientific research of lecturers and students of VNUA, in 2021, Luong Dinh Cua Library and Information Center – Vietnam National University of Agriculture actively participated as a member of "the shared e-library" of the project "Establishing a shared electronic library (e-library) for higher education institutions in Vietnam". The staff of the Center also took part in training on database and they are ready to support teachers, students of VNUA to exploit and use the resources effectively. We invite you to access to multidisciplinary e-magazine SAGE e-Journals Collection "