From 9-12 March 2021, within the project “Curriculum Development in Agroecology (CDAE)” under the Erasmus+ program funded by the European Community, the member universities of Vietnam, Philippines and Sri Lanka have participated in the virtual study tour organized by Mendel University, Brno, Czech Republic. Vietnam National University of Agriculture and Hue University are two Vietnamese universities participating in the project.
According to the original design of the CDEA Project, a hands-on study tour would be held at Mendel University, Brno, Czech Republic. However, due to the impact of the Covid 19 epidemic, this activity had been undertaken on a digital platform. As a result, besides the presentations from the member universities, Mendel University, Brno, Czech Republic had designed vivid videos introducing the university, the landscape, the facilities, especially the laboratory system for agroecology training.

Representatives of Mendel University, Brno, Czech Republic, Hue University, and Vietnam National University of Agriculture

Mendel University, Brno, Czech Republic organizes the virtual study tour
Lecturers of the Faculty of Environment, together with staff of the International Cooperation Office, joined the virtual study tour. During this tour, the representative of the project team presented the general introduction about the University, human resources and facilities of the Faculty of Environment in preparation for the launch of Agro ecology major, a specialized major that has never been taught in Vietnam.
During the virtual study tour, staff of partner universities had the opportunity to exchange information, discuss and share experiences on issues related to the development of curriculum, required knowledge and skills, credit transfer, resource exchange, laboratories... Accordingly, Asian partner universities could adjust and improve the program to satisfy the needs of each country and European standards.
CDAE Project under the Erasmus+ program funded by the European Union helps enhancing the capacity of higher education institutions. The project is coordinated by Hue University. The partners include: Vietnam National University of Agriculture (Vietnam), Benguet State University (Philippines), Central Luzon State University (Philippines), Rajarata University (Sri Lanka), University of Peradeniya (Sri Lanka), Mendel University in Brno (Czech Republic), Instituto Politecnico De Coimbra (Portugal), Novel Group Sarl (Luxembourg).
CDAE Project - International Cooperation Department