Enhancing the reception of international exchange students is one of the key activities to implement the strategic goal of international cooperation of Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA). Through this activity, VNUA wishes to create an international learning environment for students, enhance knowledge and cultural exchanges, and expand its student networks.
In the framework of the cooperation between VNUA and partner universities, VNUA annually receives nearly 400 international students for long-term and short-term studies, credit exchange programs, and summer courses. In the 2019-2020 academic year, VNUA receives 11 international students participating in the credit exchange program (a 6-month program) from Yamaguchi University (Japan), Gyeongsang National University (Korea), HAS University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands), Hochschule Geisenheim University (Germany), and Sebelas Maret University (Indonesia). The number of inbound students at VNUA is increasing every year.
Prof. Dr. Pham Van Cuong speaks at the meeting. |
On the beginning day of the academic year 2019-2020, August 5th, 2019, the University solemnly held an orientation meeting for new international students. Prof. Dr. Pham Van Cuong, Vice President of VNUA, chaired this event with the participation of the representative leaders and officials of the International Cooperation Office, Training Management Office, the Faculties of Economics and Rural Development, Accounting and Business Administration, Agronomy, Biotechnology, and buddies who will support the international students during their time at VNUA. Speaking at the meeting, Prof. Dr. Pham Van Cuong emphasized that participating in exchange programs would be a great opportunity for all students to receive new knowledge and culture i.e. local language and cuisine. He hoped that exchange students would be a bridge to bring Vietnam’s culture and agriculture to the world and promote the cooperation between VNUA and partner universities.
The student representatives of each university expressed their sincere thanks to VNUA’s Presidency Board, the International Cooperation Office and the faculties of VNUA for the friendly reception and enthusiastic supports in the whole process of application to VNUA. They also shared their interests of learning about tropical agriculture and experiencing Vietnamese culture, cuisine, life, people and educational environment of VNUA as Prof. Dr. Pham Van Cuong mentioned.
The representative student from Yamaguchi University (Japan) |
The representative student from HAS University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands) |
The representative student from Sebelas Maret University (Indonesia) |
The representative student from Gyeongsang National University (South Korea) |
VNUA has been increasingly expanding its cooperation with international partners and is currently a reliable destination for international students to take part in fulltime trainings or exchange programs in the fields of Biotechnology, Crop Science, Food Science and Technology, Environment, Land Management, Information Technology, Animal Science, Veterinary, Fisheries, Economics, Business Administration, Marketing, Finance, Tourism Management, English Linguistics, Engineering, etc. The international training environment at VNUA is being upgraded and renewed, gradually enabling the university to step into the educational internationalization and regional and global integration. Definitely, in the coming time, these international students will experience a friendly and modern learning and research environment at VNUA.
Representatives of leaders of faculties and the exchange students |
Leaders and officials of the Faculty of Agronomy, the International Cooperation Office and the exchange students at the faculty |
Leaders and officials of the Faculty of Biotechnology and the students from Gyeongsang National University (Korea) |
Leaders and officials of the Faculty of Accounting and Business Management and the exchange students at the faculty |
Leaders and officials of the International Cooperation Office and the Training Management Office and the full-time international students |
Prof. Dr. Pham Van Cuong – Vice President of VNUA with representatives of faculties and supportive offices, and the international students |