Top 10 Vietnam universities ranked by Webometric
Webometrics is the largest academic ranking of Higher Education Institutions. Since 2004, and every six months thereafter, an independent, objective, free, open scientific exercise is performed by the Cybermetrics Lab (Spanish National Research Council, CSIC) to provide reliable, multidimensional, updated, and useful information about the performance of universities from all over the world based on their web presence and impact. Supporting Open Access initiatives, and electronic access to scientific publications and other academic materials are their primary targets. Webometrics is not based on the number of website visits or page design but on 4 indicators, each making up a percentage of the final score, as follows:
- Presence (16.7%):The global volume of contents published on the university’s web-domains as indexed by the largest commercial search engine (Google). It counts every web-page, both static and dynamic, including all the formats recognized individually by Google.
- Openness (16.7%): The number of rich files (pdf, doc, docx, ppt) (research outputs, learning materials) published in dedicated websites according to the academic search engine Google Scholar.
- Excellence (16.7%): The number of academic papers published in high impact international journals plays a very important role in the ranking of universities. The data are provided by Scimago group through Google Scholar.
- Impact (50.0%): The number of external links that connect to the university’s webdomain. Those links recognize the institutional prestige, the academic performance, the value of the information, and the usefulness of the services as introduced in the webpages according to the criteria of millions of web editors from all over the world.
To achieve their current position in the ranking board, universities, including Vietnam National University of Agriculture, have had to not only improve their teaching quality for recognition internationally, but also put more effort into scientific research, technology transfer, and applications for production. Besides, these research outputs have been widely publicized with open access to information through websites.
For the goal of being a multidisciplinary and multi-area research university regionally and internationally, VNUA has focused on innovation and improvements in the quality of training programs as part of the Profession-Oriented Higher Education (POHE), and cooperation with businesses to meet labor market demands and increase the employment rate for graduating students. A key factor for enhancing education quality, as well as the University’s prestige, is teaching staff'/lecturers receiving their professional qualification training from countries that have advanced education systems and modern technology. With about 1,400 employed lecturers, all are ready to learn and figure out resources for teaching at home and abroad while carrying out scientific research that will be highly applicable for production, contribute to developing the agricultural production value, improve farmers’ living standards, and protect the ecological environment. In addition, they also actively collaborate with international experts for publication of their papers in international journals. Since 2010, VNUA has had 1,059 scientific papers published in prestigious journals at home and abroad. In the year 2015, 50 papers were published in international journals and conferences with high impact factors. This contributed to the Scientific Information Center at the Ministry of Science and Technology ranking VNUA 13th in the list of the top 20 universities and research institutes in terms of the highest number of international publications during the 2014 - 2015 academic year. Participating in international organizations, research networks, and workshops has provided opportunities for sharing and learning research accomplishments while enhancing the prestige and position of VNUA in Vietnam, in the region, and over the world.