On 21 March, 2018, Vietnam National University of Agriculture organized the 108thAUN-QA Quality Assessment at Programme Level for two advanced training programs: crops science and agri-business management.
Attending the ceremony were Assoc. Prof Nantana Gajaseni, acting chairperson of AUN-QA Council Prof. Dr. Marilou G. Nicolas, lead assessor; Dr. Wyona C. Patalinghug, lead assessor; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nuanthip Kamolvarin; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eric Wibisono; assessors, and Ms. Supatcha Supapant, AUN secretary. Representing VNUA were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Van Cuong, vice president, Assoc. Prof. Dinh Van Chinh, and Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Dung, members of the Board of Trustees, deans of the faculty of Agronomy, Accounting and Business Management, representative leaders of functional offices and self-assessment committee members, and lecturers of the two training programs.
Delivering his welcome remarks at the opening ceremony, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Van Cuong emphasized the goals and policies of enhancing training quality as well as remarkable achievements of the university in recent years. The Advanced Crop Science and Advanced Agri-Business Management are the first two programs of the university to register for assessment under the AUN-QA standards. The university, as well as the self-assessment committee of the two advanced programs, has been working hard to finalize self-assessment reports submitted to the AUN Secretariat.
Thanks to the warm and friendly welcome of Vietnam National University of Agriculture, on behalf of the assessment team, Assoc. Prof. Nantana Gajaseni, Acting Chairman of the AUN-QA Council, expects that the 108th assessment of Vietnam National University of Agriculture will be successful.
The AUN-QA team will be divided into two groups to work with relevant stakeholders. The stakeholders include the dean, members of the report writing team, lecturers, supporting staffs, students, alumni, and employers. During the mission, the AUN-QA team will go to see the facilities of the university like library, labs, class rooms, etc. The assessment will be until March 23, 2018.

The assessment report of AUN-QA will be based on the information provided in the self-assessment report (SAR), available evidences, and on site assessment results.