Use vegetables rich in lutein to protect your eyes
08/04/2022 10:01
Lutein is a pigment be included in the carotenoids’s group, which has high biological value such as the antioxidant (Chang-Lian Peng et al., 2006), anti-inflammatory ability (Johnson EJ, 2014); the capacity to prevent colon cancer, breast cancer, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. (Li et al, 2013). In the eyes, lutein can act as a filter of blue light to protect underlying tissues from phototoxic damage. VNUA’s Bachelor of Biotechnology program meets the AUN-QA standards
06/04/2022 18:58
AUN (ASEAN University Network) is the quality assurance organization of the Network of Leading Universities in Southeast Asia, established in 1995 with the original members nominated by the Education Ministers of the countries. Currently, the AUN consists of 118 experts from 10 countries, among which 36 experts are from Vietnam.LIRLAP project: I-CORE Training
04/03/2022 11:34
Under the regular activities of the Linking Disaster Risk Governance and Land-Use Planning (LIRLAP) project, the Institute of Spatial Planning of the Technical University of Dortmund (IRPUD - TU Dortmund), in partnership with the Planning and Development Research Foundation (PLANADES) hold the first Online International Training Course on the Integration of Community Resilience in Urban Shelter Planning and Management (I-CORE Training). Training seminar on “Fresh milk supply chain management”
25/02/2022 16:02
On the afternoon of February 22, 2022, the Strong Research Group on Business, Commerce and Sustainable Development, Faculty of Accounting and Business Administration in collaboration with Faculty of Food Technology, Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) and experts from the University Cock, Ireland solemnly organized the Training Conference on “Fresh Milk Supply Chain Management”. Online exchange program for students of Faculty of Biotechnology, VNUA, from December 2021 to January 2022:
Sakura Science Program hosted by Nagaoka University of Technology
28/01/2022 14:09
Nagaoka University of Technology was appointed as a United Nations Academic Impact SDG 9 Hub University (Leading University). As the only SDG9 Hub university in the world, they have been promoting education and research-oriented to achieve all the goals, centering on Goal9 (Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.).Webinar: “Participatory processes, systems thinking and rural renewal: an international perspective”
27/01/2022 11:28
On the afternoon of January 4, 2022 on the online forum (on the Zoom platform) of the Faculty of Economics and Rural Development, Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) held a webinar entitled "Participatory processes, systems thinking, and rural renewal: an international perspective” presented by Prof. Karl Rich (Oklahoma State University, USA), the guest speaker of the Economic Linkages and Market Development Strong Research Group. Vietnam National University of Agriculture receives JICA President Award 2021
20/01/2022 10:59
On the afternoon of January 18, 2022, the Office of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in Vietnam held a ceremony to award the 17th JICA President Award to the Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA).National conference on Child labour in agriculture
20/01/2022 10:53
With the aim of raising awareness and changing the behaviours of communities and related stakeholders in the prevention and reduction of child labour in agriculture, on December 28, 2021, the Center for Manpower Supply and Faculty of Accounting and Business Administration, Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) collaborated with the representative office of FAO Vietnam to organize the "National conference on Child Labour in Agriculture" face-to-face at Hall C and online through the Zoom platform.International Conference on “Physiological and ecological management in crop production”
10/01/2022 17:37
On the morning of December 22, 2021, the Strong Research Group on Plant Physiology and Ecology from Faculty of Agronomy, Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) organized an international conference entitled "Physiological and ecological management in crop production" held online on the Zoom platform to share experiences in research, production practices and new findings related to physiological and ecological management of crops to develop sustainable agriculture.International Student Exchange Program - Session 1: Dairy farming in the North of Vietnam: opportunities and challenges
07/01/2022 14:40
From 10 to 31 December 2021, a group of students from Faculty of Animal Science, Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) participated in an international student exchange program with students from Faculty of Animal Science, Brawijaya University, Indonesia; Faculty of Agricultural Science and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, Thailand; and Faculty of Agriculture and Fisheries, Tra Vinh University, Vietnam.